JYA Jaguars Travel Fall Soccer Programs 2025
Changing to SEASONAL age (September 1 - August 31) groups for the 2026 Fall season. No change for 2025
Registration is OPEN for U10+ JYA Jaguars Travel Soccer 2016-2013 birth years.U10 - U13JYA Jaguars: JYA participates in the ICSL Inter-County Soccer League for 2016-2013 birth years. We will continue to field teams up through U16 based on interest.
We reserve the right to combine ages in there aren't enough players to field a particular team. We will also attempt to field multiple teams at ages when possible.
Middle school players CAN PLAY BOTH for their school and JYA. There is no overlap in game times. The JYA season is also much longer starting in August and playing until November.
Question? Contact: [email protected]
ICSL Schedule
Eligibility: 1/1/20013 - 12/31/2016
Registration Dates: Now through tryouts
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $25 before March 1.
LATE FEE will be applied after May 1 of $25
Tryouts all 6:00pm at Abington Friends Smith JV Field (next to Tennis Courts):
U10 (2016,17) Girls May 21st
U10 (2016,17) Boys May 19th
U11 (2015) Girls Coach Osborne May 22nd
U11 (2015) Boys 2 teams Coach Duffey and Coach Cusack May 13th
U13 (2013,2014) Girls Rebels Coach Remich May 22nd
U13 (2013,2014) Boys Coach Heere May 16th
If you can't make the tryout please still register and let us know. We'll contact you to figure out an alternative time.Practices: Start in August at Abington Friends School
Games: 7v7 - 11v11 Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons Home field is Abington Friends. Away games generally within 30 minute drive Season: Beginning of September through mid November
Requirements: Shin guards and soccer cleats (no metal cleats)
Ball size: #4 (u13+ uses #5)